XIOS Multinode Windows Setup

Копируем адрес с меткой MN1 и отправляем на него 1000 XIOS, а 0,0001 уйдет на комиссию

XIOS – another crypto currency with POS mining and masternodes, which give a good reward without large computing power usage, and therefore save money for electricity bills.

Technical Specifications
Total Coin Supply 21,000,000 coins
Algorithm Scrypt
Type PoW/PoS
Coin name Xios
Coin abbreviation XIOS
Address prefix 2
RPC port 37192
P2P port 37191
Block Rewards
1,333 coins rewarded from block 1 to 1440.
1441 to 3440 (33.3 coins)
3441 to 9441 (3.3 coins)
Forever mining at 1.33 coin block after block 9,442th-500,000th block
After that 1 coin per block forever
Maturity: 30 blocks
Target Block-time: 1 minute/block
Difficulty Re-Target: 4 blocks
Master Node Specs
Activates at Block 3441
Node Cost Amount:1,000
Node Rewards: 2/3 of 1 Xios Hipos [.666]
PoS Reward: 1/3 of 1 Xios Hipos    [.333]
Proof of stake begins : 1440 block
HiPos : 1
Minimum age: 1 hour
Maximum age : 365 Days
Premine percent 0%
Premine amount 0  coins

More details on the bitcointalk:  [ANN] ✅ Xios PoS/PoW

Let’s now consider setup process of masternode and multiple masternode for Windows 7.

Мasternode(MN) setup assume the launch of a separate wallet for each MN with coins amount at least 1000.0001XIOS. (added 0.0001- it’s a minimal transaction fee)

First you need to buy XIOS for Bitcoin, or another crypto currency. At the time of writing, this could only be done at coinsmarkets.com or on yobit.net

The buying process doesn’t differ from other exchanges, we deposit  a crypto currency(BTC, LTC  etc.), place an order, or buy at the proposed rates, than withdraw XIOS to your wallet receiving address.

Download the purse XIOS by link, but check the relevance on official bitcointalk topic: https://mega.nz/#!4PBnDbiR!HfL7ceTY8zIakQOJL1tI741Xp9dw9XwMfKw2RVy11y8.

The wallet file xios-qt.exe  you need to copy to any directory, in my case it will be xiosMN1, and in order for the wallet and database files to appear side by side, and not by default in C: \ Users \ AppData \ Local \ Rouing \ Xios, you need to create a file startmn1.cmd with content:

start xios-qt.exe -datadir=./data

Than we launch the wallet, if suddenly it can’t find the available nodes for synchronization, then in the xiosMN1 folder, in the file XIOS.conf, you need to add nodes for sync:


After wallet restart, we wait for the full synchronization and go to “Receive” where there will be one address, assign it a label, for example Main and create a new receiving address with the label mn01:

После перезапуска ждем окончания синхронизации и заходим в "Получить" где будет один адрес, присваиваем ему метку, например Main и создаем новый адрес с меткой mn01

Now IMPORTANT! Go to “Settings -> Encrypt wallet”, specify the password and do not forget to save it in a safe place, after that the wallet needs to be restarted. Also, copy to a safe place wallet.dat file from the folder xiosMN1 \ data. These two points will allow us to regain control of our funds from any place.

Coins bought on the exchange  we withdraw to the address with a label “Main”, we wait for 10 confirmations and than we do a transfer to ourselves(to mn1 address).

We copy the address with the MN1 label and send 1000 XIOS to it, and 0.0001 will go to the fee:

Копируем адрес с меткой MN1 и отправляем на него 1000 XIOS, а 0,0001 уйдет на комиссию

You also need to wait for 10 confirmations, and at this time we will configure the masternode.

Than again, open XIOS.conf and write there:

rpcuser=SomeRandomString(any user or leave it as is)
rpcpassword=EvenLongerRandomString(any user or leave it as is)
port=9999(or an available open port)
masternodeaddr=_static external IP address _: _ port that is specified above_
masternodeprivkey=_ wallet private key_ (about it a little lower)

The IP address must be allocated(static, external, not your local IP), and the port is forwarded through the router.

Generate _ wallet private key_, “go help -> debug window” and write command: masternode genkey

masternode genkey

Copy&paste generated private key is registered to XIOS.conf, save it and reboot the wallet.

We check that our transaction for 1000 coins received at least 10 confirmations, go back to the debug window and write command: masternode outputs

masternode outputs

Now go to Masternodes -> Create and write the name of the node, IP and port, privatkey and data from the outputs that we got in the debug console:

create masternode

This data will be stored in xiosMN1 \ data \ masternode.conf and you can edit them there, because built-in wallet editor does not work 🙂

Than we return to the debug console and execute command: masternode start-many

masternode start-many


“Result: succesful”, means that everything is OK, if there is something like vin allocations, then you made a mistake when copying the TXoutputs, output index, or the transaction has not been confirmed yet.

You can monitor the work of the masternode through the wallet:

masternode is running

But it is possible also via the console with the command “masternode list“, here we get output of all working nodes, you need to find your own in the status of ENABLED.

Using “masternode count“, you can find out the total number of masternodes at the moment, and using the “masternode list” you can see data of your masternode from XIOS.conf.

After running the masternode, you need to check its state in an hour, if it is started, it means everything is great, we leave the purse running and wait for the reward, which will not keep you waiting 🙂

rewards xios

Now it’s most  interesting part: we need to run several (multiple)nodes, but you can’t do this on one wallet, you need to run a separate purse for each masternode.

To run several wallets, we need to create xiosMN2, xiosMN3, etc. directories according to the estimated number of masternodes.

Than we copy xios-qt.exe into each directory, just rename it to xios-mn2.exe, xios-mn3.exe, etc., respectively.

Next, in the xiosMN2 directory, create startmn2.cmd with the contents:

start xios-mn2.exe -datadir=./data


FOR  xiosMN3 startmn3.cmd:

start xios-mn3.exe -datadir=./data

And so on by the number of masternodes.

From xiosMN1\data we copy to other folders this file: blk0001.dat and directory: txleveldb.

Now start by turns: startmn2.cmd, startmn3.cmd  and so on. Than we perform identical settings steps like for single masternode. The difference will be in privatkey, outputs, index and a separate port for each wallet.

If you have 2, 3 masternodes, then managing them individually is not difficult, but if you plan to start out of more than 10, it will be very difficult to handle.

For Windows, I could not manage all the nodes from one wallet, but you can monitor them, this is enough for me ... But  for Linux seems you can manage all yout nodes

For monitoring, we’ll need one more wallet, but you don’t need to make any settings and keep coins here.

In the data directory, create the masternode.conf file and copy the lines from the same file from all the masternodes that we ran. Now, in the Masternodes list of that empty wallet, click Update and see all our nodes and their status – Masternode is Runnig. Success! But if the node writes Not in list, then by the MN label you can understand with which wallet the problem is. If one of the nodes falls off. and you are sure that these settings are correct, then restarting the wallet helps.

When writing this article, materials were used:




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